Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Event Subcorpus: 4,317 words, 12 scripts
We live in a running world, where the education is one of the most important parts of our life. You now ask, how it belongs to 'the event of the year'. Well, I am an English - German major and in this semester I had my German proficiency exam, which is the first step to get closer to the German degree. I am writing my English proficiency now, but for me the German one was my hardest test of the semester or maybe one of the hardest. This zassesment shows, that you have done the basic subject, which includes Literature, Linguistics, Grammar, Geography, Language Practice and Writing Activities. It means that you have to collect 20 credit points and after it, you can try the exam. It has four points: grammar, translations - German - Hungarian, Hungarian - German, an essay and an oral part from one of the countries. It takes 3 days and last year, on the 15th - 18th - 19th of December I could done it. From 46 students only 13 of us got the proficiency test and I was - or may I say - I am very proud of myself.At the German Department we have 3 main exams, and if you get the first, it means, you are able to get the other two.I have never been good at the grammar, and I learned two months for the grammar part. It was my biggest success in my whole life, when I saw the result of the grammar part. I had 38 points from the 50 and there was just one better as mine.Honestly, I think, this exam means that I am enough good in German to study more about it and later on to be a proficient zinterpretor in this language. It shows as well, that I can study more about phonology, lexicology, history, grammar etc. In one word: I can be better and more educated in the language which I have studied for 13 years and which I love. Of course I am closer to the degree and it makes me happy. Can I say, that this was my Christmas present from the University?In my opinion these proficiency exams - I mean the English, the German, the Italian or the French etc. - are not fair with the student. Most of them cannot show the real knowledge and without them you just stay in one place.On the other hand, they are good, because without them, there will be lot of teachers, zinterpretors or translators who cannot use the language in a right way.After all, I have done it, and maybe later I will understand the complete meaning of them.Now, I am sitting in the first line and trying to finish the last part of the English Proficiency Exam and I can just hope, that I will get it once time...The Event of the last Year was a shocking great occasion. Every newspaper has published this event, or lets say miracle. In New York a poor, needy woman zgaves birth for 5 twin in an unusual and surprising way. It happened on the motorway on a rainy day. She zgaves birth to the children in a car.The reason why people has voted for this happening to be the Event of the Year is because the happy mother did it all alone. Nobody was helping her. She had run away from home because of her zagressive and zviolant husband. It is important to many other women, who live in this kind of circumstances, that this tragedy was published all over the world.It may have an effect on reducing the violence in family. May be people will think about their life and change a lot of thing. We hope, publishing this news will help women, children and elderly people zlifes by showing everybody what could happen. May be other people will talk about problems and try to solve them. So, just pay more attention for the others.In my opinion this is a very unusual event. I couldn't imagine if it happened to me. I respect this woman because of her braveness and zstrongness. I'm sure these miserable backgrounds will frightened people. Finally, I think this woman could have done in a better way if she really wanted.A great event of the year was the world-championship of football that took place in Germany. It's a kind of event organised in every four years. Only the previously selected countries can participate in it. For four weeks it was possible to see the matches.This competition was important because it brings nearer people to zeachother. Not only the people, but also the countries and the different culture. It attracts the attention of all the world and it does not think about our problems and about the divergent way of thinking in politics. People from several places were going there because of the same reason: to see their favourite football-player or team.Actually, it can cause a better economical situation for Germany. It makes improve communication between nations which is very crucial nowadays. Mainly, the news are about wars, about political and religious conflicts between nations so it seemed to be a perfect opportunity to forget our actual problems.I think this event was great excepting the shame what happened unfortunately during the final game. Two footballers, one from Italy, other from France were insulting zeachother and finally they were fighting zeachother. I suppose that everybody was surprised after that because the aim of this championship would have beet the fair-play. I think a lot of people were content with the result that the winner became Italy. Football is very popular in this country and they have many excellent players and teams.Last year we had an important event in our family. My zcousine got married. It was a big celebration in one of the nicest restaurants in Pécs. The husband of my zcousine is German, so his family had to travel to Hungary for the big event. My uncle thought that it is easier, when the German relatives come to Hungary. Everybody had a lot to do before the marriage. My sister and I could be bridesmaid, so it was a little important for us as well. You do not have several occasions to be bridesmaid.A marriage is one of the biggest occasions in our life. You make, as my zcousine made, the relationship to your partner closer and never ending until one of the pair dies, or if you do not have luck in your marriage, until getting divorced. The event of the year was important, because my zcousine found a family. This marriage had another importance for me as well. Until the evening I could speak a lot with the German relatives, so I practiced the language a little and I get an invitation to Germany for the next summer.So as everything getting married can have an effect in the future. Brides can change their name, use the name of the husband. After getting children the zfamilyname can exist longer. If you get a son and your son get later a son as well, etc. your zfamilyname never die out. By getting married girls use their name as Mrs. instead of Ms. After just married or newly before marrying you leave your parents house and move in an own with your pair.In my view everybody, who have found his/her pair for a life should marry. It is a very nice event and I think one of the nicest in our life. One when I find the person, whom I could live together a lifelong I would like to marry as well. I think it is not worth live alone all of your life, together with someone who you love and upside-down it could be very nice.The most important event of the last year happened on the 20th of February. That day still plays a big role in my life, because that was the ztimepoint I decided to live healthy and think in a positive way. I got up on that morning and realized that I am absolutely not satisfied with myself, and that I have to change my whole life and finally I managed to do it. The day I made that decision was the most zfreguent event of my year.It has a lot of reasons why this event so important is. First of all, my life changed absolutely, now I eat healthy food and I do sports every day. Secondly, my emotional life got zballanced, now I have many friends and some new zhobbys. Finally, this is the first time of my life I am self-confident and through that changes I have learned a strong self-discipline. This is the reason why this day so important event of my last year was.I am sure, that this decision will have some positive effects in my future. The changes I made will influence my health and my personality as well. In my opinion the life I am living now will help me to make my dreams come true. Without that day I would not have had the chance to be now what I want to be in my future life. That is why I zbelive, that this event will have a great influence in my future.There isn't a decision, which is easy to be made, but sometimes it zworths the energy and on the 20th of February, 2006 I decided to choose the harder but better way. Now I see, that it was the best decision, I have ever made. On the other hand it is still complicated to follow the rules I have created, but I try to be persistent enough to accomplish my new life style. Nowadays I am fond of this "healthaholic" life and I hope that it is a useful idea. In my view this event was the best of 2006.I think we can say, that the Öszödi speech was the most important, or one of the most important events of the year in Hungary. It's on a secret tape, which was covertly recorded at the meet of the Goverment at Balatonöszöd. We don't know, who made this document - a spy or a member of the leadership - but it's a fact, that it zcontain's the voice of the Prime minister, Gyurcsány Ferenc. On the tape, he speaks to his ministers in a quite rude way about the country, the work of the government, and the way they won people's trust. He claims, in his campaign he lied a lot, declared false things to win as many votes as possible. The news played the tape for weeks, it was a great event.Many people, almost everybody in Hungary talked about this for a long time. Great crowds went to the streets to demonstrate in peace, to say, that the Prime Minister must go. After a few days, much more people went out to show their anger. Budapest's streets became a place of war, the angry citizens made a kind of rebellion. Many people damaged, including women and children.This became a theme in other countries too. The BBC channel showed the fights in the evening news. Many leader of other countries rebuked Gyurcsány Ferenc and declared he must leave the zgoverment. The great countries in Europe, like Germany, Great Britain, France, et. have now bad opinion about our countries leadership, it may influence the relationship with them. If they don't want zcoopareta with Hungary, we will be in great trouble in politic and in economic.I don't want to write about my political views, in fact, I don't like politics. I can maintain, if the facts of the speech are true, than he must leave his job, because if he stays, it will have bad effects in the opinion of our country and the people.The year of 2006 was an eventful year. In my opinion, the most favourite one was the World Cup. It was located in Germany. More than 60 football matches were played in several cities. But the main games were played in Berlin and Munich. It is an event, when several football nations come together and play, for being the king of football all over the world. Many thousands of football fans went there to watch how their team play during the World Cup. It was helf from the beginning of June to the beginning of July. It was the biggest sports event of that year.Although, it needs a lot of work and concentration to do such an event for the country, but at the end it brings some money for the economy of the country and fame. So, I think firstly it was very important for Germany to knew, that they had done a zsuccesful sport event. It was also vital for fans, who travelled more hundreds of kilometers for watching their national teams. They spent a lot of money for tickets and they sate there and hoped that their ztheam will win the Cup. Eventually, it was also very important for the teams and players, because just a few football player can play on a World Cup match all over the World.The World Cup has not as much effect on the future as some other events like the fight between the people and the police in Budapest. Luckily, it has just positive effects, because it's very nice for a team or for a player to remember the they have won the World Cup in 2006. Let's see. How nice can it be when an old footballer tells a story for young children about how they won the World Cup. Unfortunately, this event had a worse scene too. This scene will be parts of the History of World Cups. It happened during the game France again Italy. When Zidane headed Materazzi's breast. So in conclusion, we can say that it was a very good and famous event not only for fans, but for Italy, because they won the end-game, so they are the king of football in the world.In my views it was a very interesting occasion. It brought a lot of exciting football games. I watched it every day on television. So, I think I saw 80% of the games. I wanted to watch the final game at the stadium in Berlin, but I was too late and I didn't get any ticket for it. In spite of the exciting matches during the cup, I was very sad. Because my favourite team lost against Italy at the final game. So they only get a Silver medal. I am very interested in the next World Cup in 2010. I hope it will bring such interesting plays like that.For me it's the 2006 Football World Cup in Germany. This competition organized every 4 years from a different country is the biggest football competition in the whole world. The organizer country has to do all the services for those 32 teams who are fighting. The teams stay in hotels and go by bus to the zstadions. They are zdevided into 8 groups (A-H). Each groups has 4 teams. The teams become for a win 3 points for a draw 1 point and for a loss 0 points. Only two teams with the highest score can reach the sudden death phase of the competition from each group. The whole story is only 30 days long and in the final there are only two teams fighting against each other for the cup made from gold.It was really important because the 32 teams came from 32 countries so there were players from all around. They represented their country. And not to forget about the fact that football is the most loved sport in the world, many people like it and watch it, so for them it is one of the most important dates in the calendar. People find together easily and watch the projector in the park. Football brings nations together and that's wonderful. Every game begins with the statement: "Say No to zRassism!" - held upon a great transparent by the players. The Kids watching the games at home want to be like their idols and start playing and that's healthy. For the organizing country it is really important that big amount of money that it earns.In the future all those teams who hasn't made through the qualifying stages it could be a good aim to represent their country in such a big competition. It can also motivate everyone to play more in the future and live healthy. Motivate new and new countries to organize and make a big step forward in the development. After this event this sport is more popular before and it can be even more popular by organizing it again and again.From my point of view, it was the biggest event of the year, because I like playing and watching football. It was great to watch the games with friends and strangers in pubs, this public viewing was a great feeling. My favourite team is Italy and they won the final against France in a dramatic penalty shot-out. This was the greatest highlight of the competition and I won 24 pints of beer in a bet against my roommate.To tell the truth, my most important event of the last year was the creation of internet connection at home, by which the zachievment for internet is guaranteed me. Firstly, I ordered ADSL package via zmobilphone from T-ONLINE. Secondly, two workers from T-ONLINE connected our computer to internet and gave me a bill of this event. As a matter of fact, I have to clear accounts for T-ONLINE every month so that I can use internet.The internet connection has totally changed my life. Before the workers connected my computer to internet, I had not been able to sign up for my exams or for my course at home. I had had no possibility for collecting dates for my exams via internet. I had had to go to the post in addition to send a letter. But since this very important event I have been able not only to send emails or to sign up for exams but to chat with my friends.I guess, in the next years I am going to be happier than ever because of this internet connection. Internet are going to make me possible to watch TV on monitor of the computer which has clearer screen or to listen to radio and to chat zwhith my friend at the same time. For these activities I'm going to buy some zdiveces and some programs in the future.I got used to browsing the internet. Furthermore I love it. But I am a bit scared of the effects of internet. On the one side, it makes my life easier and helps me live zthise speeded up life. But on the other side the scientists have not known too many things about its effects on our health yet. In my opinion is internet can prove our zlifestandard but we have to be careful with it. We don't permit to become dependence.Last year there were a lot of important events in the world, for example different sport events, Saddam zHusein died and in Hungary the people express their hating about the government. I am going to write about one of the sport events. This is the FIFA World Cup. it was in Germany in the summer. It is organised in every fourth year. All the countries of the world participate in this event, from Asia to Europe. We could surprise when the previous zvinners, the zBrasilians didn't go to the latest match or when the famous footballer (Zidane) hit the head of the Italian player.These world races are important because we can know a bit the other countries which are far from Europe, for example zCamerun and we can know their cultures as well. And during these events there is peace between the people and the countries. We have the feeling that there is no problem in the world.Returning to the final it may have an effect in the future. And this is that everybody on the pitch can do what he wants and it will not be about the game, but about violence: saying bad words to each other and kicking, hitting.I enjoy these type of sport events and I always watch them. However I cannot stand the violence. I am of the view that both should have been punished. The Italian player because he said some bad words to the French player and Zidane should have been punished because he hit the head of the Italian footballer. The punishment could be paying money or which is more rigorous, staying in prison for some day. I am so rigorous because the children who saw that match what they learnt. They think that if these famous people can do that then they also can do that.Would we like to watch sport events on TV or live which are full of hits and violence?At the very end of the year 2006 a pretty fascinating event happened to me. I learn playing classical guitar since eight years and I had the first opportunity to show my knowledge on the last day of the abovementioned year, at z31th December's eve. The zGuitarquartett of Szekszárd invited me to perform a few songs with them in a church.It was very important for me because of several reasons. Firstly, I was very happy, when my father came to me after the concert and he told me he was proud of me. He is also interested in guitar playing and now he thinks I am much more better than he ever will be. Secondly, this event was the best forum to show my skills to a wider public. I gained success, but I also got some critique - so it was some kind of a 'mirror' that shows me what I need to practice.Moreover, I also expect from this concert to have an effect on my future. I know of course that I am not so talented that I could make a carrier, but I expect other opportunities to play guitar to a bit wider public. Hopefully, my teacher will also join the next concert - it would be a great experience.A few days after the concert one of the members of the zQuartett sent me an e-mail. He attached a video to the letter about my performance. My first impression after seeing it was that I was pretty bad - I made a lot of mistakes and silly gestures; I felt ashamed. But now I think that it was a good performance, because at the first time I am allowed to make some mistakes and so it comes clear what I need to change or practice to make a better performance next time.In my essay I'd like to speak about a personal thing, that changed my way of thinking about the world, about people, and changed me inside and outside as well. I had a boyfriend for over 2 and a half year. It was a good relationship, rich by good memories, but after 2 years we broke up, because we felt that the older feelings begin to die out. This event woke me up to different things, which things seemed to me unnecessary earlier.This event was very important in my life. Why? everything has its own reason, I mean, nothing zhappends by chance. I had to meet him to be able to understand that my family is the most important to me in my life, because I would be lost without my father, mum, brother and sisters. By this relationship I learned how important is that, to be me. You can show hundreds of masks, but finally the original mask (the real you) will arrive in the finish line, and not your zfictioned mask. Everybody loves you, the real you , and they love you for yourself.In my opinion, everybody we meet has got a great influence on us, and they have a hidden message for us, and we are the only one, who can decode these messages. I'd like to try to explain the effects of my ex-relationships. I see all the world in a different way: I'm stronger, not so pessimistic. Life gave me back my lost friends by this relationship, and I got to know new people, and now I have more friends than earlier. I will not open up myself as easily like first, and I'll try not to trust everybody. I want to enjoy my life, and I learned that the most important thing is the create a circle around us. In the middle of it is me, and the circle is created by my friends and by family.In my point of view people have to learn by their faults, errors and mistakes. Me, too. I loved him so much more than everybody else in my life, but love can not be felt the same way in a given relationship. In one hand we were and are young, and we have to learn a lot, yet. And the other hand we haven't got that right to own somebody else. He opened my eyes, we are in the reality. The most important to me is to be true, to care for the others and giving as much love as I can. To tell the truth, first I thought I lost everything with him, but now I know he gave me the 'everything' with his left.
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