Thursday, January 17, 2008


Listening to music is more and more popular and important, especially nowadays in our rushing, busy life. Music makes our grey weekdays a little more colourful, whether we hear it on tv, in the radio or from MP3. A familiar nice tune always makes us relaxed a bit. My favourite form of listening to music is MP3s as it is the most developed technique at the moment.

I think listening to MP3 is the easiest way of self-entertaining without zanoying others. Also it is the most practical as we don't need cassettes or CDs to carry around, only a tiny device which can store hundreds of our most loved music. Furthermore it can suites everyone as they're easily zmanagables. Dislike a CD, your MP3 zrepertoir is zcontinously changeable according to your mood or current taste of music.

On the other hand there can be some bad features of it as well, mainly effecting music industry. Now, though Internet everything is easily and rapidly reachable; including music of course. People don't bother to buy their favourites for thousands of forints but rather download them by a single click. Whole albums are available, moreover concert-recordings as well. Despite this I think it's not that big threat, because people will carry buying CDs or going to concert as the difference is great. We won't give a copy as a present and we can't feel the actual mood of a concert through Internet.

My story of buying an MP3 player is that firstly I thought it's just another type of symbol that shows zwealthiness but there were several times when I felt sad or miserable or simple bored zforexample during travelling when I wished to hear some good music. So I acted and bought one. And now everywhere I go, I can always take the music to cheer me up and entertain, so I don't have to have the feeling anymore that travelling is a waste of time.

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