Usually, I prefer live concerts as a form of listening to music. Either on a festival or in a small place: the experience can't be substituted with anything. These are always social happenings that makes them more enjoyable for me. This is the only thing that is still "trendy" since it has started.
On a concert you concentrate only on the music. Nothing else happens at the same time. The people around you hear the same so it is a shared experience that makes it more complicated. You not only hear the music but you "see" it as well. There is the chance for the musicians to be spontaneous and produce something new. It is also a kind of interactive form.
All the good features can turn bad. It depends on the person. There are people who like to think that their favourite music is dedicated to them. They connect it to their personal events. But on a concert is harder to create an inner experience. You can't be on your own or relax for a little while. If it's too loud you can't put the volume lower, or just stop it whenever you want.
Last year I had the greatest experience on the Sziget Festival in Budapest. We spent the whole week there but there was one concert that effected me the most. It was an English band called Radiohead. We met French people there and danced together. I have never seen so many people before. The lights, the voice of the singer, the slow music together created a whole. maybe this special, unusual feeling is why most of music-listeners appreciate live concerts.
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