Thursday, January 17, 2008


Being on the move is my preferable way of existence. Comfortable shoes, casual wear, a loose jacket and portable music. I like to extend the limits of my perception of the world around me by simply adding music to the visual. All I have to do is to tune my head to a harmony of what I see and what I hear - the term listening is not valid anymore because both the visual and the zauditive is an involuntary intrusion.

A portable device is accessible in many forms, like Walkmans, CDs, MP3s etc. but as long as I can take it me - or it takes me - I don't mind its size nor the quality of the otherwise-carefully-zchoosen music. It's good company. It helps me in drifting... When I set off from home, my day is programmed; I have several tasks to accomplish: everything seem predictable. But as soon as I put on my headphones this predictability turns itself into a pure coincidence of sounds and images: a strange force becomes familiar, an zembarassing situation one that can be exploited, loss becomes profit.

Of course the inclusion of music into my existence may lead to an exclusion of certain down-to-earth experiences which otherwise wouldn't being taken into account seriously. A loss should remain a loss, a stranger a stranger and you shouldn't leave your next door neighbour staring at his voiceless articulation delightedly, neglecting his complaint or whatever without wishing him a happy new year, or should you? Yes, headphones should definitely be taken off to listen to your wife's complaints, your children's "whys" and the birds in your garden - the basic units of music. Don't forget to feed the poor little ones in winter.

On the move, the flow of music through your ears drifts you to places you've never been to, drags you, tortures you and gives you back to who you really are or could be.

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